“Hello” from Pidgie

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Thank you so much for checking out my website! I’m so excited for the release of my album, Just Breathe. The journey has been so exciting, from expressing many thoughts and feelings regarding the two years of the pandemic, to telling my stories of rising above the ashes of heartache into a new better version of myself.

Empowerment is something to own, to share, and to connect with others. “Creative Perseverance” has been the theme of my entire life. Empowerment to me is many things. It is finding creative ways to level the bumpy, sometimes mountainous, playing field of life so that your contributions, in whatever form, can be shared with others. For me, as a singer/songwriter, I have found that technology makes things much easier. There are many computer programs that put a writing studio at your fingertips. But that’s only half of the story. Surrounding yourself with people who will support you and cheer you on is very important. You will not find them by keeping your story to yourself. Connection is so important. Everyone involved with the project of producing this album knew physical accommodations that I needed and we all figured things out. If I tried to hide my disability, or be unnecessarily apologetic about what I needed this never would have come to fruition.

Empowerment is a beautiful thing. When you share your heart, desires and talents with others you give them a safe space to share their’s with you. The result is many candles burning together to make a huge, marvelous flame!

Yours Truly, Pidgie